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A grass roots brand from Pennsylvania made in America for rebel souls.

Brand Ambassador Signup

Ever Thought of Being a Brand Ambassador?

At HSHB our goal has always been to work with talented people looking for experience whether it be as a creative or a partner.  In this case we are hoping to find a few fun and interesting people who would like to help us promote our brand and at the same time work with a creative director and creative team with over 20 years of advertising experience.  

The goal is to help build our ambassadors personal brands at the same time as we grow our own.  

What You Get

First and foremost we provide the gear you create content for and in.  You'll have the pick of the stuff in our inventory to help match your style and develop a connection with the brand.  

Second we are going to do photoshoot at various intervals throughout the year and want to have you involved.  These are always paying gigs with the goal to develop content for the website and use in advertising channels we spend dollars in.  This is an opportunity to create content and get paid to do it. 

Third we provide all ambassadors a coupon code of their own to get gear or share with their channel to get gear.  Depending on the amount of purchases we provide a "kickback" on the revenue generated between 5-10%.  So you can make money that way as well.  

The End Result

Our end goal here is to have our ambassadors grow with us as a brand and work with us beyond the above as opportunities present themselves.