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A grass roots brand from Pennsylvania made in America for rebel souls.

Starting A Business Is Scary Shit lol

Starting A Business Is Scary Shit  lol

So we are about to flip the switch on our online website to start attempting to sell our products.  Designs we poured out heart and soul into and painstakingly worked with partners to design and produce are about  to be released into the wild.  It's exhilarating and nerve wracking at the same time.  

Will people like our stuff? Will they buy it.  Did we make the right decisions along the way?  What's next for us?  Is our plan as good as we hope it is?  

These are the thoughts that roll through your head on the eve of the night you cut your friends and family loose on your website and with your brand.  Sure everyone has seen some of the work,  told you it was awesome,  waited patiently as you built the website to buy.  But will they?  

Any entrepreneur knows how this goes.  You feel like your about to give birth to a new baby and the world is either about to open up and embrace it or swallow you whole and leave you wondering what to do next.  So on this night, we cut it loose and in true Heaven Sent Hell Bent fashion we take a shot and hope our kickass bouncing baby boy learns to walk fast.  

Here's the the first step in the journey and to those that are willing to take it with us.  
